1. 31

    तयापूर्याशु मूर्धान्तं भङ्गा भ्रूक्षेपसेतुना । निर्विकल्पं मनः कृत्वा सर्वोर्ध्वं सर्वगोद्गमः ॥ ३१ ॥

    Then, having filled the tip of moordha (forehead) and crossed the bridge between the eyebrows, the mind rises above all dichotomizing thought patterns omnipresence (prevails). and omnipresence (prevails).

  2. 32

    शिखिपक्षैश्चित्ररूपैर्मण्डलैः शून्यपञ्चकम् । ध्यायतोऽनुत्तरे शून्ये प्रवेशो हृदये भवेत् ॥ ३२ ॥

    Like the live different coloured circles on the peacock's feathers, one should meditate on the five voids. Then by following them to the end, which becomes the principle void, enter the heart.

  3. 33

    ईदृशेन क्रमेणैव यत्र कुत्रापि चिन्तना । शून्ये कुड्ये परे पात्रे स्वयम् लीना वरप्रदा ॥ ३३ ॥

    In this way, wherever there is mindful awareness, either on the void, or on another (object such as a) wall, or on an excellent person (such as guru), gradually the boon of absorption into the self is granted.

  4. 34

    कपालान्तर्मनो न्यस्य तिष्ठन्मीलितलोचनः । क्रमेण मनसो दाढ्र्यात् लक्षयेत् लष्यमुत्तमम् ॥ ३४ ॥

    Having closed the eyes, and fixing the attention at the crown of the head, gradually stabilize the mind and direct it towards the goal, which will become discernible.

  5. 35

    मध्यनाडी मध्यसंस्था विससूत्राभरूपया । ध्यातान्तर्योमया देव्या तया देवः प्रकाशते ॥ ३५ ॥

    One should meditate on the inner space of the medial nadi (sushumna) situated in the central axis of the body (the spinal column), which is as slender as a fibre of the lotus stem, and then by the grace of Devi, the divine (form) is revealed.