- 66
कुहनेन प्रयोगेण सद्य एव मृगेक्षणे । समुदेति महानन्दो येन तत्त्वम् प्रकाशते ॥ ६६ ॥
O gazelle-eyed one, verily by applying the performance of religious austerities, great bliss arises immediately, by which the essence is illumined.
- 67
सर्वस्रोतोनिबन्धेन प्राणशक्त्योर्ध्वया शनैः । पिपीलस्पर्शवेलायां प्रथते परमं सुखम् ॥ ६७ ॥
By blocking all the channels (of perception) the prana- shakti moves slowly upwards (through the spinal column). At that time, feeling the sensation of an ant crawling in the body, one experiences the supreme bliss.
- 68
वहेर्विषस्य मध्ये तु चित्तं सुखमयं क्षिपेत् । केवलं वायुपूर्ण वा स्मरानन्देन युज्यते ॥ ६८ ॥
One should throw the blissful mind into the fire (manipura chakra) in the middle of that fibre-like lotus stalk (sushumna) or into that which is only full of air (anahata chakra). Then one is united with the remembrance of bliss.
- 69
शक्तिसंगमसंक्षुब्धशक्त्वावेशावसानिकम् । यत्सुखम् ब्रह्मतत्त्वस्य तत्सुखम् स्वाक्यमुच्यते ॥ ६९ ॥
By the union with shakti there is excitation and in the end, one is absorbed into shakti. That bliss (of union) which is said to be the nature of Brahman (ever-expanding consciousness), that bliss is (in reality) one's own self.
- 70
लेहनामन्थनाकोटैः स्त्रीसुखस्य भरात्स्मृतेः । शक्त्यभावेऽपि देवेशि भवेदानन्दसम्प्लवः ॥ ७० ॥
O Queen of Gods, the bliss of a woman is attained even in the absence of shakti. By fully remembering and absorbing the mind in the experience of kissing, hugging and embracing, the bliss swells.