1. 66

    कुहनेन प्रयोगेण सद्य एव मृगेक्षणे । समुदेति महानन्दो येन तत्त्वम् प्रकाशते ॥ ६६ ॥

    O gazelle-eyed one, verily by applying the performance of religious austerities, great bliss arises immediately, by which the essence is illumined.

  2. 67

    सर्वस्रोतोनिबन्धेन प्राणशक्त्योर्ध्वया शनैः । पिपीलस्पर्शवेलायां प्रथते परमं सुखम् ॥ ६७ ॥

    By blocking all the channels (of perception) the prana- shakti moves slowly upwards (through the spinal column). At that time, feeling the sensation of an ant crawling in the body, one experiences the supreme bliss.

  3. 68

    वहेर्विषस्य मध्ये तु चित्तं सुखमयं क्षिपेत् । केवलं वायुपूर्ण वा स्मरानन्देन युज्यते ॥ ६८ ॥

    One should throw the blissful mind into the fire (manipura chakra) in the middle of that fibre-like lotus stalk (sushumna) or into that which is only full of air (anahata chakra). Then one is united with the remembrance of bliss.

  4. 69

    शक्तिसंगमसंक्षुब्धशक्त्वावेशावसानिकम् । यत्सुखम् ब्रह्मतत्त्वस्य तत्सुखम् स्वाक्यमुच्यते ॥ ६९ ॥

    By the union with shakti there is excitation and in the end, one is absorbed into shakti. That bliss (of union) which is said to be the nature of Brahman (ever-expanding consciousness), that bliss is (in reality) one's own self.

  5. 70

    लेहनामन्थनाकोटैः स्त्रीसुखस्य भरात्स्मृतेः । शक्त्यभावेऽपि देवेशि भवेदानन्दसम्प्लवः ॥ ७० ॥

    O Queen of Gods, the bliss of a woman is attained even in the absence of shakti. By fully remembering and absorbing the mind in the experience of kissing, hugging and embracing, the bliss swells.