1. 156

    सकारेण बहिर्याति हकारेण विशेत् पुनः । हंसहंसेत्यमुं मन्त्रं जीवो जपति नित्यशः ॥ १५५ b ॥

    The breath is exhaled with the sound 'Ha' and inhaled again with the sound 'Sa'. Thus the individual always repeats this particular mantra Hamsa. (This verse is found only in some versions of Vijnana Bhairava; hence it is given as 155b)

  2. 157

    षङ्गतानि दिवा रात्रौ सहस्राण्येकविम्शतिः । जपो देव्याः समुद्दिष्टः सुलभो दुर्लभो जडैः ॥ १५६ ॥

    This japa of the Devi which was previously indicated, (being repeated) twenty-one thousand six hundred times during the day and night, is easily available and difficult only for the ignorant.

  3. 158

    इत्येतत्कथितं देवि परमामृतमुत्तमम् । एतच्च नैव कस्यापि प्रकाश्यं तु कदाचन ॥ १५७ ॥

    O Goddess, this most excellent teaching, which is said to lead to the immortal state, should verily not be revealed to anybody.

  4. 159

    परशिष्ये खले क्रूरे अभक्ते गुरुपादयोः । निर्विकल्पमतीनां तु वीराणां उन्नतात्मनाम् ॥ १५८ ॥

    These teachings should not be disclosed) to other disciples, to those who are evil and cruel, or to those who have not surrendered to the feet of the guru. (They should only be revealed) to advanced souls, who are self-controlled and whose minds arc lice of vikalpas.

  5. 160

    भक्तानां गुरुवर्गस्य दातव्यं निर्विशङ्कया । ग्रामो राज्यं पुरं देशः पुत्रदारकुटुम्बकम् ॥ १५९ ॥

    Those devotees of the guru, who are without the slightest doubt or hesitation, O gazelle-eyed one, having renounced son, wife, relatives, home, village, kingdom and country, should be accepted for initiation.