- 26
न व्रजेन्न विशेच्छक्तिर्मरुद्रूपा विकासिते । I निर्विकल्पतया मध्ये तया भैरवरूपता ॥ २६ ॥
When Shakti in the form of vayu or pranic air is still and does not move swiftly in a specific direction, there develops in the middle, through the state of Nirvikalpa, the form of Bhairava.
- 27
कुम्भिता रेचिता वापि पूरिता वा यदा भवेत् । तदन्ते शान्तनामासौ शक्त्या शान्तः प्रकाशते ॥ २७ ॥
When Kumbhaka takes place after Puraka or Rechaka, then the shakti known as shanta is experienced and through that peace (the bhairava consciousness) is revealed.
- 28
आमूलात्किरणाभासां सूक्ष्मात् सूक्ष्मतरात्मिकाम् । चिन्तयेत्ताम् द्विषट्कान्ते श्याम्यन्तीम् भैरवोदयः ॥ २८ ॥
Concentrate on the shakti arising from the root like the rays of the sun, gradually becoming subtler and subtler, until at last she dissolves in the dwadashanta and bhairava manifests.
- 29
उद्गच्छन्तीं तडिद्रूपाम् प्रतिचक्रं क्रमात्क्रमम् । ऊर्ध्वं मुष्टित्रयं यावत् तावदन्ते महोदयः ॥ २९ ॥
(Meditate on that shakti) moving upwards like lightning through all the chakras one by one to the dwadashanta. Then at last the glorious form of Bhairava dawns.
- 30
क्रमद्वादशकं सम्यग् द्वादशाक्षरभेदितम् । स्थूलसूक्ष्मपरस्थित्या मुक्त्तत्वा मुक्त्तत्वान्ततः शिवः ॥ ३० ॥
The twelve (centres) should be pierced successively through proper understanding of their (associated) twelve letters. Thus becoming liberated from the gross then the subtle, one by one, at the end (of its journey) the kundalini becomes Shiva.