- 6
न हि वर्णविभेदेन देहभेदेन वा भवेत् । परत्वम् निष्कलत्वेन सकलत्वे न तद्भवेत् ॥ ६ ॥
Paratva, or transcendence, cannot exist in the divisions of varna (colour), shabda (sound) or roopa (form). If transcendence is indivisible, then it cannot be defined or co- exist with composite parts.
- 7
प्रसादं कुरु मे नाथ निःशेषं छिन्द्वि संशयम् । भैरव उवाच । साधु साधु त्वया पृष्टं तन्त्रसारमिदं प्रिये ॥ ७ ॥
O Lord, be pleased to destroy all my doubts completely. Then Bhairava says: Good, well spoken, O dear one! What you have asked about is the essence of tantra.
- 8
गूहनीयतमं भद्रे तथापि कथयामि ते । यत्किंचित्सकलम् रूपम् भैरवस्य प्रकीर्तितम् ॥ ८ ॥
Noble lady, although this is the most secret part of the tantras, yet I will speak to you about what has been expounded regarding the (defined) forms of Bhairava.
- 9
तदसारतया देवि विज्ञेयं शक्रजालवत् । मायास्वप्नोपमं चैव गन्धर्वनगरभ्रमम् ॥ ९ ॥
O Devi, the sakara aspect of Bhairava is insubstantial and of no spiritual value, like the illusory dream-like web of Indra, and is also like the delusion of celestial musicians.
- 10
ध्यानार्थ भ्रान्तबुद्धीनाम् क्रियाडम्बरवर्तिनाम् । केवलं वर्णितं पुंसां विकल्पनिहतात्मनाम् ॥ १० ॥
(The sakara sadhanas) are described for those people of deluded intellect, who are prey to distracted thought patterns or are inclined towards the performance of action and ostentatious rituals to traverse the path of meditation.