- 141
अजरामरतामेति सोऽणिमादिगुणान्वितः । योगिनीनां प्रियो देवि सर्वमेलापकाधिपः ॥ १४१ ॥
O Goddess, (by virtue of even one of these dharanas) the sadhaka becomes free from old age, attains immortality and is endowed with siddhis, such as anima, etc. He becomes the darling of all yoginis and master of all siddhas.
- 142
जीवन्नपि विमुक्तोऽसौ कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते । श्री देवी उवाच । इदं यदि वपुर्देव परायाश्च महेश्वर ॥ १४२ ॥
The Goddess said, O great Lord, if this is the nature of the supreme reality, he is liberated while living and not affected (by the activities of the world) while active.
- 143
एवमुक्तव्यवस्थायां जप्यते को जपश्च कः । ध्यायते को महानाथ पूज्यते कश्च तृप्यति ॥ १४३ ॥
Thus (Devi) said, O great Lord, (tell me) in the established order, who would be invoked and what would be the invocation? Who is to be worshipped or meditated upon and who is to be gratified by that worship?
- 144
हूयते कस्य वा होमो यागः कस्य च किं कथम् । श्री भैरव उवाच । एषात्र प्रक्रिया बाह्या स्थूलेष्वेव मृगेक्षणे ॥ १४४ ॥
(Devi continues), to whom should the invocations be made; to whom should oblations be offered during the sacrifice and how should these be done? Sri Bhairava said, Ο gazelle-eyed one, these acts are verily the gross forms of worship.
- 145
भूयो भूयः परे भावे भावना भाव्यते हि या । जपः सोऽत्र स्वयं नादो मन्त्रात्मा जप्य ईदृशः ॥ १४५ ॥
Contemplate on the thought of being in the supreme consciousness again and again; this is also japa. That self- sound (which is spontaneously produced) is verily the soul of mantra. Japa is done like this.