- 21
यथालोकेन दीपस्य किरणैर्भास्करस्य च । ज्ञायते दिग्विभागादि तद्वच्छक्त्या शिवः प्रिये ॥ २१ ॥
Just as space, direction and form are revealed by the flame of a candle or the rays of the sun, similarly Shiva is revealed by the medium of Shakti, O clear one.
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श्री देव्य् उवाच । देवदेव त्रिशूलाङ्क कपालकृतभूषण । दिग्देशकालशून्या च व्यपदेशविवर्जिता ॥ २२ ॥
Sri Devi said: O Lord of the Gods, who bears the trident and skulls as ornaments, (tell me) of that state (which is) devoid of time, space and direction and free from (any) characteristics.
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यावस्था भरिताकारा भैरवस्योपलभ्यते । कैरुपायैर्मुखम् तस्य परा देवि कथं भवेत् । यथा सम्यगहम् वेद्मि तथा मे ब्रूहि भैरव ॥ २३ ॥
By what means can that state of fullness of Bhairava be achieved, (and) how does Paradevi, the highest Shakti, become the face (or entrance of Bhairava)? Tell me (this), O Bhairava, in the manner (whereby) I shall know it completely.
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श्री भैरव उवाच । ऊर्ध्वं प्राणो ह्यधो जीवो विसर्गात्मा परोच्चरेत् । उत्पत्तिद्वितयस्थाने भरणाद्भरिता स्थितिः ॥ २४ ॥
Sri Bhairava said: Paradevi, whose nature is visarga, or creation, manifests as the upward prana and the downward apana. By fixing the mind at the two points of generation (of prana and apana), the state of fullness results.
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मरुतोऽन्तर्बहिर्वापि वियद्युग्मानिवर्तनात् । भैरव्या भैरवस्येत्थं भैरवि व्यज्यते वपुः ॥ २५ ॥
When the ingoing pranic air and outgoing pranic air are both restrained in their space from their (respective points of) return, the essence of bhairava, which is not different from bhairavi, manifests.