1. 131

    अहं ममेदमित्यादि प्रतिपत्तिप्रसङ्गतः । निराधारे मनो याति तद्ध्यानप्रेरणाच्छमी ॥ १३१ ॥

    At the time of asserting, "1 am," "This is mine," and so on, by inspired meditation on Fat (that highest reality), the mind becomes supportless.

  2. 132

    नित्यो विभुर्निराधारो व्यापकश्चाखिलाधिपः । शब्दान्प्रतिक्षणं ध्यायन्कृतार्थोऽर्थानुरूपतः ॥ १३२ ॥

    Meditating every moment on the words: eternal, omnipresent, supportless, all-pervasive, master of the universe, one attains fulfilment in accordance with their meaning.

  3. 133

    अतत्त्वमिन्द्रजालाभमिदं सर्वमवस्थितम् । किं तत्त्वमिन्द्रजालस्य इति दार्याच्छमं व्रजेत् ॥ १३३ ॥

    This world is (illusory) like magic, devoid of any essence. What essence exists in magic? Being firmly convinced of this, one attains peace.

  4. 134

    आत्मनो निर्विकारस्य क ज्ञानं क च वा क्रिया । ज्ञानायत्ता बहिर्भावा अतः शून्यमिदं जगत् ॥ १३४ ॥

    How can there be knowledge or activity of the changeless atman, or self? All external objects are under the control of knowledge. Therefore, this world is void.

  5. 135

    न मे बन्धो न मोक्षो मे भीतस्यैता विभीषिकाः । प्रतिबिम्बमिदम् बुद्धेर्जलेष्विव विवस्वतः ॥ १३५ ॥

    There is neither bondage nor liberation for me. These scare cowards and are the reflections (projections) of the intellect, just as the sun is reflected in water.