1. 146

    ध्यानं हि निश्चला बुद्धिर्निराकारा निराश्रया । न तु ध्यानं शरीराक्षिमुखहस्तादिकल्पना ॥ १४६ ॥

    When the intellect becomes steady, formless and without any support, meditation is verified. Imagination of the form of the divine with a body, eyes, mouth, hands, etc. is not meditation.

  2. 147

    पूजा नाम न पुष्पाद्यैर्या मतिः क्रियते दृढा । निर्विकल्पे महाव्योम्न्नि सा पूजा ह्यदरालयः ॥ १४७ ॥

    Offering of flowers, etc. is not pooja, or worship, but making one's mind steady in mahakasha, the great void, (and thoughtless) in nirvikalpa is worship indeed. From such reverence, dissolution (of mind) takes place.

  3. 148

    अत्रैकतमयुक्तिस्थे योत्पद्येत दिनाद्दिनम् । भरिताकारता सात्र तृप्तिरत्यन्तपूर्णता ॥ १४८ ॥

    By being established in any one of the practices (described) here, whatever (experience) is produced, develops clay by day until the state of absolute fullness or satisfaction is attained.

  4. 149

    महाशून्यालये वह्नौ भूताक्षविषयादिकम् । हूयते मनसा सार्धं स होमश्चेतनास्रुचा ॥ १४९ ॥

    The real oblation is (made) when the elements and sense perceptions along with the mind are poured as oblation into the fire of the great void (i.e. bhairava or supreme consciousness) using the consciousness as a ladle.

  5. 150

    यागोऽत्र परमेशानि तुष्टिरनन्दलक्षणा । क्षपणात्सर्वपापानां त्राणात्सर्वस्य पार्वति ॥ १५० ॥

    O supreme Goddess, Parvati, here the sacrifice characterized by bliss and satisfaction becomes the saviour of all by the destruction of all sins.