1. 126

    न द्वेषं भावयेत्कापि न रागं भावयेत्क्वचित् । रागद्वेषविनिर्मुक्तौ मध्ये ब्रह्म प्रसर्पति ॥ १२६ ॥

    One should never think in terms of friendship or enmity. Being free from (this idea) of friend and foe, in between the brahma bhava, or nature of supreme consciousness, blooms.

  2. 127

    यदवेद्यं यदग्राह्यं यच्छून्यं यदभावगम् । तत्सर्व भैरवं भाव्यं तदन्ते बोधसम्भवः ॥ १२७ ॥

    By contemplating on bhairava as all that which is void and cannot be known, grasped or imagined, at the end realization takes place.

  3. 128

    नित्ये निराश्रये शून्ये व्यापके कलनोज्झिते । बाह्याकाशे मनः कृत्वा निराकाशं समाविशेत् ॥ १२८ ॥

    Fixing the mind in the outer space, which is eternal, without support, void, omnipresent and beyond estimation or calculation, one enters into the formless, unmanifest dimension.

  4. 129

    यत्र यत्र मनो याति तत्तत् तेनैव तत्क्षणम् । परित्यज्यानवस्थित्या निस्तरङ्गस्ततो भवेत् ॥ १२९ ॥

    Wherever the mind dwells, casting that aside that very moment, the mind becomes supportless and free from disturbance.

  5. 130

    भया सर्वम् रवयति सर्वदो व्यापकोऽखिले । इति भैरवशब्दस्य सन्ततोच्चारणाच्छिवः ॥ १३० ॥

    The word Bhairava denotes he who dispels all fear and terror, who howls and cries, who gives all, and who pervades the entire universe (manifest and unmanifest). He who constantly repeats the word bhairava becomes one with Shiva.