1. 81

    मध्यजिह्वे स्फारितास्ये मध्ये निक्षिप्य चेतनाम् । होच्चारं मनसा कुर्वस्ततः शान्ते प्रलीयते ॥ ८१ ॥

    (Placing) the middle of the tongue in that which has been opened widely and throwing the consciousness in the middle, mentally repeating 'Ha', the mind will be dissolved in tranquility.

  2. 82

    आसने शयने स्थित्वा निराधारं विभावयन् । स्वदेहं मनसि क्षिणे क्षणात्क्षीणाशयो भवेत् ॥ ८२ ॥

    While sitting or lying down, one should think of one's own body as being supportless (suspended in space). Then, in a moment (the samskaras or thought constructs) of the mind being reduced, it ceases to be a reservoir (of old mental dispositions).

  3. 83

    चलासने स्थितस्याथ शनैर्वा देहचालनात् । प्रशान्ते मानसे भावे देवि दिव्यौघम् आप्नुयात् ॥ ८३ ॥

    O Goddess, as a result of slowly swinging or rocking the body, one attains a tranquil state of mind and floats into the stream of divine consciousness.

  4. 84

    आकाशं विमलं पश्यन्कृत्वा दृष्टिं निरन्तराम् । स्तब्धात्मा तत्क्षणाद्देवि भैरवं वपुराप्नुयात् ॥ ८४ ॥

    O Devi, having fixed the gaze continuously on the clear sky (without blinking) and with a steady awareness, at once the nature of Bhairava is achieved.

  5. 85

    लीनं मूर्ध्नि वियत्सर्वम् भैरवत्वेन भावयेत् । तत्सर्वम् भैरवाकारतेजस्तत्त्वं समाविशेत् ॥ ८५ ॥

    One should contemplate on the sky as the form of bhairava (until it is) all absorbed in the forehead. Then all that (space) will be entered by the essence of light in the state of bhairava.