1. 26

    ज्वाला में है ज्योति तुम्हारी । तुम्हें सदा पूजें नर-नारी ॥ २६ ॥

    It is the symbol of your glory that is burning brightly at Shree Jwala ji. All men and women ever worship you, O Mother! ॥ 26 ॥

  2. 27

    प्रेम भक्ति से जो यश गावै । दुःख दारिद्र निकट नहिं आवें ॥ २७ ॥

    He who sings your glory with devotion of love and sincerity remains beyond the reach of grief and poverty. ॥ 27 ॥

  3. 28

    ध्यावे तुम्हें जो नर मन लाई । जन्म-मरण ताकौ छुटि जाई ॥ २८ ॥

    He who meditates upon your form with concentration goes beyond the cycle of births and deaths. ॥ 28 ॥

  4. 29

    जोगी सुर मुनि कहत पुकारी । योग न हो बिन शक्ति तुम्हारी ॥ २९ ॥

    All the Yogis, Gods and Sages openly declare that without your favour one can’t establish communication with God. ॥ 29 ॥

  5. 30

    शंकर आचारज तप कीनो । काम अरु क्रोध जीति सब लीनो ॥ ३० ॥

    Shankaracharya had performed once a special penance caled Acharaj and by the virtue of which he had subdued his anger and desire. ॥ 30 ॥