1. 16

    विजितसहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकनुते कृतसुरतारक सङ्गरतारक सङ्गरतारक सूनुसुते । सुरथसमाधि समानसमाधि समाधिसमाधि सुजातरते । जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १६ ॥

    You who by Your splendour defeat even the sun with thousands of rays, You who are prostrated to by the sun god with his thousands of rays, You who were praised by the son of Tarakasura after that asura was killed by Your son Lord Subrahmanya in the battle between the gods and Tarakasura when the gods were defeated, You who were pleased with the chanting of mantras by the royal sage Suratha and the Vaisya named Samadhi who was himself like samadhi and who prayed for nirvikalpa samadhi, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You. ॥ 16 ॥