1. 6

    कुण्डलीकृत कुण्डलेश्वर कुण्डलं वृषवाहनं नारदादि मुनीश्वरस्तुत वैभवं भुवनेश्वरम् । अन्धकान्धकामाश्रितामरपादपं शमनान्तकं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ६॥

    The one who has the coiled serpents as his earrings and having a bull as his vehicle Whose greatness is praised by the Narada and other sages, the Lord of all the worlds Who destroyed the pride of Andhaka, the wish fulling tree for the refugee I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?

  2. 7

    भेषजं भवरोगिणामखिलापदामपहारिणं दक्षयज्ञविनाशनं त्रिगुणात्मकं त्रिविलोचनम् । भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदं सकलाघसङ्घनिबर्हणं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ७॥

    Who acts as the medicine to the one suffering from sorrowful life, the remover of all the sufferings and obstructions The destroyer of Daksha yagna, A personified form of the three Gunas and the one with three eyes The bestower of Devotion, Salvation, and other wishes, the destroyer of all the sins I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?

  3. 8

    भक्तवत्सलमर्चितं निधिमक्षयं हरिदम्बरं सर्वभूतपतिं परात्परमप्रमेयमनुत्तमम् । सोमवारिद भूहुताशन सोमपानिलखाकृतिं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ८॥

    The one who takes care of his devotees, the one worshipped by all, who is like a treasure, the one who wears green clothes Who is the head of all the creatures, who is beyond all, who cannot be compared with anyone, who doesn't have anyone greater than him The one who is present as a form in the ones who drink Soma in a ritualistic way I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?

  4. 9

    विश्वसृष्टि विधायिनं पुनरेव पालनतत्परं संहरन्तमपि प्रपञ्चमशेष लोकनिवासिनम् । क्रीडयन्त महर्निशं गणनाथयूथ समन्वितं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ९॥

    The one who does the creation of the universe, who is keenly involved in upkeeping it as well as in perseverance Who destroys the universe at the appropriate time, who made the world a living place for innumerable counts of people Who is playful all the days and nights, the head of the Ganas, and who acts as one among them I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?

  5. 10

    मृत्युभीतमृकण्डसूनु कृतस्तवं शिवसन्निधौ यत्र कुत्र च यः पठेन्न हि तस्य मृत्युभयं भवेत् । पूर्णमायुर रोगितामखिलार्थसम्पदमादरं चन्द्रशेखर एव तस्य ददाति मुक्तिमयत्नतः ॥ १०॥

    He who reads this prayer, Composed by the son of Mrukandu, Who was fear struck with death, In the temple of Lord Shiva, Will not have fear of death, He would have a full healthy life. With all grains and all wealth, And will attain Salvation by the grace of Lord Chandra Shekhara.