1. 6

    कुण्डलीकृत कुण्डलेश्वर कुण्डलं वृषवाहनं नारदादि मुनीश्वरस्तुत वैभवं भुवनेश्वरम् । अन्धकान्धकामाश्रितामरपादपं शमनान्तकं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ६॥

    The one who has the coiled serpents as his earrings and having a bull as his vehicle Whose greatness is praised by the Narada and other sages, the Lord of all the worlds Who destroyed the pride of Andhaka, the wish fulling tree for the refugee I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?