1. 7

    भेषजं भवरोगिणामखिलापदामपहारिणं दक्षयज्ञविनाशनं त्रिगुणात्मकं त्रिविलोचनम् । भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदं सकलाघसङ्घनिबर्हणं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यमः ॥ ७॥

    Who acts as the medicine to the one suffering from sorrowful life, the remover of all the sufferings and obstructions The destroyer of Daksha yagna, A personified form of the three Gunas and the one with three eyes The bestower of Devotion, Salvation, and other wishes, the destroyer of all the sins I seek the refuge of that God Chandrasekhara (God Shiva, who has the moon on his head), so what can Yama do to me?