1. 6

    ओङ्काराङ्गणदीपिकां उपनिषत्प्रासादपारावतीम् आम्नायाम्बुधिचन्द्रिकां अधतमःप्रध्वंसहंसप्रभाम् । काञ्चीपट्टणपञ्जराऽऽन्तरशुकीं कारुण्यकल्लोलिनीं कामाक्षीं शिवकामराजमहिषीं वन्दे महेशप्रियाम् ॥ ६॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) who is like a lamp of Omkara in the courtyard of the palace of the upanishads situated on the mountains (alluding to devi Parvati incarnating on the mountains in the palace of Himavan). who is the illumination behind the four sacred texts (four Vedas) destroying even the most evil sins and revealing the light of the hamsa (the universal soul) within, who is like a parrot caged within the city of Kanchi from whom is surging out the waves of compassion, who is the queen of Sri Shiva; that Shiva who is the master of Kama (desire); we extol devi Kamakshi, the beloved of Sri Mahesha.

  2. 7

    ह्रीङ्कारात्मकवर्णमात्रपठनाद् ऐन्द्रीं श्रियं तन्वतीं चिन्मात्रां भुवनेश्वरीं अनुदिनं भिक्षाप्रदानक्षमाम् । विश्वाघौघनिवारिणीं विमलिनीं विश्वम्भरां मातृकां कामाक्षीं परिपूर्णचन्द्रवदनां वन्दे महेशप्रियाम् ॥ ७॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) whose nature is expressed by the Syllable hrim by reciting which the powers of aindri and Sri spreads forth, who as devi Bhuvaneswari, the embodiment of pure consciousness is always Showering boons and forgiving sins, who as the all-bearing mother of the world, stain free and pure, keeps off the sins of the world (from the hearts of the devotees), whose face shines like the full moon; we extol devi Kamakshi, the beloved of Sri Mahesha.

  3. 8

    वाग्देवीति च यां वदन्ति मुनयः क्षीराब्धिकन्येति च क्षोणीभृत्तनयेति च श्रुतिगिरो यां आमनन्ति स्फुटम् । एकानेकफलप्रदां बहुविधाऽऽकारास्तनूस्तन्वतीं कामाक्षीं सकलार्तिभञ्जनपरां वन्दे महेशप्रियाम् ॥ ८॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) who is called as “goddess of Speech” (devi Saraswati) and “daughter of the Milky Ocean” (devi Lakshmi) and … the “earth born daughter” (devi Sita) and who is the voice behind the shrutis (Upanishads) manifesting out of her own will, who is the one bestowing many fruits and manifesting in various forms, who is the destroyer of all Sufferings and transcendental in essence; we extol devi Kamakshi, the beloved of Sri Mahesha.

  4. 9

    मायामादिम्कारणं त्रिजगतां आराधिताङ्घ्रिद्वयाम् आनन्दामृतवारिराशिनिलयां विद्यां विपश्चिद्धियाम् । मायामानुषरूपिणीं मणिलसन्मध्यां महामातृकां कामाक्षीं करिराजमन्दगमनां वन्दे महेशप्रियाम् ॥ ९॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) who is the primordial cause of maya and whose pair of feet is worshipped in all the three worlds, who is the abode of the nectar of bliss within, the supreme knowledge of pure consciousness on whom the learned meditates, who is the great mother appearing as human being by her power of Maya, though always shining as pure consciousness like the radiance within a gem, whose movement is gentle like the king of elephants; we extol devi Kamakshi, the beloved of Sri Mahesha.

  5. 10

    कान्ता कामदुघा करीन्द्रगमना कामारिवामाङ्कगा कल्याणी कलितावतारसुभगा कस्तूरिकाचर्चिता कम्पातीररसालमूलनिलया कारुण्यकल्लोलिनी कल्याणानि करोतु मे भगवती काञ्चीपुरीदेवता ॥ १०॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) who is the beloved of the devotees and like a milch-cow fulfills their wishes; whose movement is like the king of elephants, and who share the left half of the body of Sri Shiva, who is the bestower of auspiciousness, incarnated in a divine auspicious body Smeared with the perfume of Kasturi, who abiding in the banks of the Kampa river under a mango tree (aamra), surges forth her compassion, (devi Parvati meditated on Sri Shiva on the banks of the Kampa river at Kanchipuram) please make my life happy and prosperous, O divine goddess of Kanchipuram.