1. 5

    दुःखाम्भोधिगतो हि जन्तुनिवहस्तेषां कथं निष्कृतिः ज्ञात्वा तद्धि विरिञ्चिना विरचिता वाराणसी शर्मदा । लोकाःस्वर्गसुखास्ततोऽपि लघवो भोगान्तपातप्रदाः काशी मुक्तिपुरी सदा शिवकरी धर्मार्थमोक्षप्रदा ॥ ५ ॥

    This Benares was created by Lord Brahms for removing the Sorrow, Of all those p people who are drowned in the ocean of sorrow, The heaven and the world above give us pleasure first and downfall later, But this Benares which is a city of salvation is a place giving us Dharma, wealth as well as salvation.॥ 5 ॥