1. 6

    एको वेणुधरो धराधरधरः श्रीवत्सभूषाधरः योऽप्येकः किल शङ्करो विषधरो गङ्गाधरो माधवः । ये मातर्मणिकर्णिके तव जले मज्जन्ति ते मानवाः रुद्रा वा हरयो भवन्ति बहवस्तेषां बहुत्वं कथम् ॥ ६ ॥

    Hari is the only one who carries a flute, mountain as well as Srivathsa, Lord Shiva is the only one who carries the poison, Ganges and hew is the same as Hari, All those human beings who take bath in this Manikarnika ghat, Would rise up from there as Hari or shiva and where is plurality for them ॥ 6॥