- 6
एको वेणुधरो धराधरधरः श्रीवत्सभूषाधरः योऽप्येकः किल शङ्करो विषधरो गङ्गाधरो माधवः । ये मातर्मणिकर्णिके तव जले मज्जन्ति ते मानवाः रुद्रा वा हरयो भवन्ति बहवस्तेषां बहुत्वं कथम् ॥ ६ ॥
Hari is the only one who carries a flute, mountain as well as Srivathsa, Lord Shiva is the only one who carries the poison, Ganges and hew is the same as Hari, All those human beings who take bath in this Manikarnika ghat, Would rise up from there as Hari or shiva and where is plurality for them ॥ 6॥
- 7
त्वत्तीरे मरणं तु मङ्गलकरं देवैरपि श्लाघ्यते शक्रस्तं मनुजं सहस्रनयनैर्द्रष्टुं सदा तत्परः । आयान्तं सविता सहस्रकिरणैः प्रत्युद्गतोऽभूत्सदा पुण्योऽसौ वृषगोऽथवा गरुडगः किं मन्दिरं यास्यति ॥ ७ ॥
The death on your banks is auspicious and is appreciated by even Devas, And those men are eagerly awaited by Indra with one thousand eyes, And the Sun God with one thousand rays rises up eagerly to see, To which temple those persons riding on Bull as well as Garuda are going. ॥ 7 ॥
- 8
मध्याह्ने मणिकर्णिकास्नपनजं पुण्यं न वक्तुं क्षमः स्वीयैरब्धशतैश्चतुर्मुखधरो वेदार्थदीक्षागुरुः । योगाभ्यासबलेन चन्द्रशिखरस्तत्पुण्यपारङ्गत- स्त्वत्तीरे प्रकरोति सुप्तपुरुषं नारायणं वा शिवम् ॥ ८ ॥
The scared effect of taking bath in Mani Karnika Ghat at mid-noon, Cannot even be told by the teacher Lord Brahma, the Lord who explains Vedas, Even in hundreds of years and by the power of practicing Yoga and, By being at end of blessed deeds, the one who sleeps there at night, Is transformed by Lord Chandrashekara ae Narayana or Shiva. ॥ 8 ॥
- 9
कृच्छ्रै कोटिशतैः स्वपापनिधनं यच्चाश्वमेधैः फलं तत्सर्वे मणिकर्णिकास्नपनजे पुण्ये प्रविष्टं भवेत् । स्नात्वा स्तोत्रमिदं नरः पठति चेत्संसारपाथोनिधिं तीर्त्वा पल्वलवत्प्रयाति सदनं तेजोमयं ब्रह्मणः ॥ ९ ॥
The power got by carrying out a hundred crores of painful penances, And effect Carrying out of Aswamedha sacrifice would all be got, By one who takes bath in Manikarnika and reading this prayer, And he would be able to cross the ocean of Samsara as if he is crossing a small body of water. ॥ 9 ॥