1. 8

    मध्याह्ने मणिकर्णिकास्नपनजं पुण्यं न वक्तुं क्षमः स्वीयैरब्धशतैश्चतुर्मुखधरो वेदार्थदीक्षागुरुः । योगाभ्यासबलेन चन्द्रशिखरस्तत्पुण्यपारङ्गत- स्त्वत्तीरे प्रकरोति सुप्तपुरुषं नारायणं वा शिवम् ॥ ८ ॥

    The scared effect of taking bath in Mani Karnika Ghat at mid-noon, Cannot even be told by the teacher Lord Brahma, the Lord who explains Vedas, Even in hundreds of years and by the power of practicing Yoga and, By being at end of blessed deeds, the one who sleeps there at night, Is transformed by Lord Chandrashekara ae Narayana or Shiva. ॥ 8 ॥