1. 4

    यत्पादाम्बुजरेणुलेशं अनिशं लब्ध्वा विधत्ते विधिर्- विश्वं तत् परिपाति विष्णुरखिलं यस्याः प्रसादाच्चिरम् । रुद्रः संहरति क्षणात् तद् अखिलं यन्मायया मोहितः कामाक्षीं अतिचित्रचारुचरितां वन्दे महेशप्रियाम् ॥ ४॥

    (Salutations to devi Kamakshi) by always taking the dust of whose lotus feet, Sri Brahma creates the world, by whose perennial grace, Sri Vishnu protects the entire world, (and) Rudra destroys in a moment that whole (creation) which is deluded by the power of Maya. whose deeds are diverse and lovely; we extol devi Kamakshi, the beloved of Sri Mahesha.