1. 16

    पूषन्नेकर्षे यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मीन्‌ समूह। तेजो यत् ते रूपं कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि ॥ १६॥

    O Fosterer, O sole Seer, O Ordainer, O illumining Sun, O power of the Father of creatures, marshal thy rays, draw together thy light; the Lustre which is thy most blessed form of all, that in Thee I behold. The Purusha there and there, He am I.

  2. 17

    वायुरनिलममृतमथेदं भस्मांतं शरीरम्‌। ॐ क्रतो स्मर कृतं स्मर क्रतो स्मर कृतं स्मर ॥१७॥

    The Breath of things is an immortal Life, but of this body ashes are the end. OM! OWill, remember, that which was done remember! O Will, remember, that which was done remember.

  3. 18

    अग्ने नय सुपथा राये अस्मान्‌ विश्वानि देव वयुनानि विद्वान्‌। युयोध्यस्मज्जुहुराणमेनो भूयिष्ठां ते नम‍उक्तिं विधेम ॥१८॥

    O god Agni, knowing all things that are manifested, lead us by the good path to the felicity; remove from us the devious attraction of sin. To thee completest speech of submission we would dispose.