- 31
अथ रविरवदन्निरीक्ष्य रामं मुदितमनाः परमं प्रहृष्यमाणः। निशिचरपतिसंक्षयं विदित्वा सुरगणमध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेति॥
Then Aditya surrounded with all Gods appears and blesses Rama with great mental and physical strength and ordered to kill Ravana.
अथ रविरवदन्निरीक्ष्य रामं मुदितमनाः परमं प्रहृष्यमाणः। निशिचरपतिसंक्षयं विदित्वा सुरगणमध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेति॥
Then Aditya surrounded with all Gods appears and blesses Rama with great mental and physical strength and ordered to kill Ravana.