1. 26

    पूजयस्वैनमेकाग्रो देवदेवं जगत्पतिम्। एतत् त्रिगुणितं जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि॥

    Do worship Adity by chanting this prayer with even minded. If you chant three times for sure you will be the conquer of this battle.

  2. 27

    अस्मिन् क्षणे महाबाहो रावणं त्वं वधिष्यसि। एवमुक्त्वा तदागस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम्॥

    Agastya Maharshi says to Rama that “you would kill Ravana within a moment,” and left that battlefield, Agastya had come to Rama to teach this holy hymn of Son God. With the grace of Gods he encourages Rama with his meditation power.

  3. 28

    एतच्छ्रुत्वा महातेजा नष्टशोकोऽभवत्तदा। धारयामास सुप्रीतो राघवः प्रयतात्मवान्॥

    Hearing the holy words of Agasthya with even minded Rama became rejuvenated and came out of momentary fearful situation; his clouds of worry got dispelled, with enthusiastically started chanting the prayer of Son God.

  4. 29

    आदित्यं प्रेक्ष्य जप्त्वा तु परं हर्षमवाप्तवान्। त्रिराचम्य शुचिर्भूत्वा धनुरादाय वीर्यवान्॥

    Himself being purified concentrated on Sun God; Rama recited the prayer thrice with achamana (sipping water) then thrilled and lifted his holy bow.

  5. 30

    रावणं प्रेक्ष्य हृष्टात्मा युद्धाय समुपागमत्। सर्वयत्नेन महता वधे तस्य धृतोऽभवत्॥

    Rama facing Ravana with the greater spirit who was coming to fight with his all effort determined to kill Ravana.