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भगवति तव तीरे नीरमात्राशनोऽहं विगतविषयतृष्णः कृष्णमाराधयामि । सकलकलुषभंगे स्वर्गसोपानगंगे तरलतरतरंगे देवि गंगे प्रसीद ॥ १॥
Goddess, I came to your shore, And sat there praying on Krishna, And taking nothing else but water. So Oh Ganga, who removes all dirt. Who is the ladder to the heaven, And who is full of spreading waves, Be pleased with me.
हे देवि! तुम्हारे तीरपर केवल तुम्हारा जलपान करता हुआ, विषय तृष्णासे रहित हो, मैं श्रीकृष्णचन्द्रकी आराधना करूँ । हे सकल पापविनाशिनि स्वर्ग-सोपानरूपिणि ! तरलतरङ्गिणि ! देवि गङ्गे ! मुझपर प्रसन्न हो I
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भगवति भवलीलामौलिमाले तवांभः कणमणुपरिमाणं प्राणिनो ये स्पृशन्ति । अमरनगरनारिचामरमरग्राहिणीनां विगतकलिकलंकातंकमंके लुठन्ति ॥ २॥
Oh, Goddess who is the garland on the head of Shiva, And meant for his happiness, Those beings, who are lucky, To touch drops of your water, Get relieved of all black sins, And would enjoy the fondling, In the laps of those maidens of heaven, Who holds fans in their hands.
हे भगवति ! तुम महादेवजीके मस्तककी लीलामयी माला हो, जो प्राणी तुम्हारे जलकणके अणुमात्रको भी स्पर्श करते हैं, वे कलिकलङ्कके भयको त्यागकर, देवपुरीकी चँवरधारिणी अप्सराओंकी गोदमें शयन करते हैं ॥ २ ॥
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ब्रह्माण्डं खंडयन्ती हरशिरसि जटावल्लिमुल्लासयन्ती खर्ल्लोकात् आपतन्ती कनकगिरिगुहागण्डशैलात् स्खलन्ती । क्षोणी पृष्ठे लुठन्ती दुरितचयचमूनिंर्भरं भर्त्सयन्ती पाथोधिं पुरयन्ती सुरनगरसरित् पावनी नः पुनातु ॥ ३॥
Let the pure waters of the Ganga of heaven, Originating from the breaking of the universe into two, Watering the hair curls of Lord Shiva’s head, Falling from the heights of heaven, Coming out of the sandalwood trees of the caves of Meru, Falling torrentially on the earth, Washing away the crowds of sins, And making full the waters of the sea, Take care of all of us.
ब्रह्माण्डको फोड़कर निकलनेवाली, महादेवजीकी जटा-लताको उल्लसित करती हुई, स्वर्गलोकसे गिरती हुई, सुमेरुकी गुफा और पर्वतमालासे झड़ती हुई, पृथ्वीपर लोटती हुई, पापसमूहकी सेनाको कड़ी फटकार देती हुई, समुद्रको भरती हुई, देवपुरीकी पवित्र नदी गङ्गा हमें पवित्र करे I
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मज्जनमातंगकुंभच्युतमदमदिरामोदमत्तालिजालं स्नानंः सिद्धांगनानां कुचयुगविगलत् कुंकुमासंगपिंगम् । सायंप्रातर्मुनीनां कुशकुसुमचयैः छन्नतीरस्थनीरं पाय न्नो गांगमंभः करिकलभकराक्रान्तरं हस्तरंगम् ॥ ४॥
Let this waters of Ganga, Which is full of several crowds of bees rushing to drink, The water coming out of the bathing elephants, Which is fully red because of the saffron-colored water, Flowing from the head through the busts of holy ladies, Which is full of different types of floating grasses and flowers, After the dawn and dusk salutations done by saints in the morn and evening, And which is full of waves created by the playful elephants and calves, Because of their beating the water with their trunks, Save all of us.
स्नान करते हुए हाथियोंके कुम्भस्थलसे झरते हुए मदरूपी मदिराकी गन्धके कारण मधुपवृन्द जिससे मतवाले हो रहे हैं, सिद्धोंकी स्त्रियोंके स्तनोंसे बहे हुए कुङ्कुमके मिलनेसे जो पिङ्गलवर्ण हो रहा है तथा सायं प्रातः मुनियोंद्वारा अर्पित कुश और पुष्पोंक समूहसे जो किनारेपर ढका हुआ है, हाथियोंके बच्चोंकी सूँड़ोंसे जिनकी तरङ्गोंका वेग आक्रान्त हो रहा है, वह गङ्गाजल हमारा कल्याण करे I
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आदावादि पितामहस्य नियमव्यापारपात्रे जलं पश्चात् पन्नगशायिनो भगवतः पादोदकं पावनम् । भूयः शंभुजटाविभूषणमणिः जहनोर्महर्षेरियं कन्या कल्मषनाशिनी भगवती भागीरथी दृश्यते ॥ ५॥
This Goddess was brought down by King Bhageerath, Was initially seen as the water of worship from the pot of Brahma, Later it became the purest holy water washing the feet of Vishnu, And then became an ornamental gem on the head of Lord Shiva, And then later was born as the daughter of sage Jahnu.
जह्नु महर्षिकी कन्या, पापनाशिनी भगवती भागीरथी, पहले ब्रह्माके कमण्डलुमें जलरूपसे, फिर शेषशायी भगवान्के पवित्र चरणोदकरूपसे और तदनन्तर महादेवजीकी जटाको सुशोभित करनेवाली मणिरूपसे दीख रही है I