1. 18

    महत्सधस्थं महती बभूविथ महान्वेग एजथुर्वेपथुष्टे । महांस्त्वेन्द्रो रक्षत्यप्रमादम् । सा नो भूमे प्र रोचय हिरण्यस्येव संदृशि मा नो द्विक्षत कश्चन ॥ १८॥

    Salutations to mother earth! great is this place where we stand together (i.e. live together); mighty is the force present in it, which controls its great speed of movement and shaking, great is the god indra who protects her with vigilence (day and night), (in this great meeting place enveloped by divine powers) may she the bhoomi (earth), make us lustrous like gold so that we do not see anyone with the attitude of hatred. ।। 18 ।।