1. 3

    झणत्क्वणत्कङ्कणनूपुरायै पादाब्जराजत्फणिनूपुराय । हेमाङ्गदायै भुजगाङ्गदाय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ३॥

    I bow to the form In which the half of Goddess Parvati is adorned with the pleasant sound making ornaments worn on the wrists (Kankanas) and those of ankles (Nupuras) While in the other half, the lotus feet of God Shiva adorned with the serpents as the anklets The excellent form, where the half of Parvati is with the ornaments of Gold, while the other half (of Shiva) is adorned with serpents as ornaments I bow to you, Goddess Parvathi and God Shiva in the form of Ardhanareeswara ।। 3 ।।