1. 9

    स्तवं यः प्रभाते नरः शूलपाणे पठेत् सर्वदा भर्गभावानुरक्तः । स पुत्रं धनं धान्यमित्रं कलत्रं विचित्रं समासाद्य मोक्षं प्रयाति ॥ ९ ॥

    Those who, with devotion to Lord Shiva, recite this prayer while holding a trident every morning, attain liberation after fulfilling their duties as dutiful sons, acquiring wealth, friends, life partners, and leading a fruitful life. May Lord Shiva, the auspicious one, bless you all with His love and protect you under His guidance. ॥ 9 ॥