1. 7

    शरच्चन्द्रगात्रं गुणानन्द पात्रं त्रिनेत्रं पवित्रं धनेशस्य मित्रम् । अपर्णाकलत्रं चरित्रं विचित्रं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ७ ॥

    I pray You, Siva, Sankara, Sambhu, Who has a face like the Winter-moon, Who is the subject of happiness of Gana, Who has three eyes, Who is pure, Who is the friend of Kubera (controller of wealth), Who is the consort of Aparna (Parvati), Who has eternal characteristics, and Who is the Lord of everyone. ॥ 7 ॥