1. 6

    यत्पुरुषेण हविषा देवा यज्ञमतन्वत । वसन्तो अस्यासीदाज्यं ग्रीष्म इध्मः शरद्धविः ॥६॥

    With the purusha as the (sacrificial) fire, the deva (the shining one, referring to virat) continued the yagna (sacrifice of creation), spring was (created as) the clarified butter (of that yagna), summer was (created as) the fuel (of that yagna), and autumn was (created as) the havis (sacrificial offering of that yagna).

  2. 7

    तं यज्ञं बर्हिषि प्रौक्षन्पुरुषं जातमग्रतः । तेन देवा अयजन्त साध्या ऋषयश्च ये ॥७॥

    The first divine men were created as the holy water sprinkled with the kusa grass in that yagna (sacrifice of creation). the first divine men were the sadhya devas and the rishis, who were created by him, the deva (the shining one, referring to virat), who performed the yagna. These rishis were not human but divine rishis like saptarshis created directly by virat.

  3. 8

    तस्माद्यज्ञात्सर्वहुतः सम्भृतं पृषदाज्यम् । पशून्ताँश्चक्रे वायव्यानारण्यान् ग्राम्याश्च ये ॥८॥

    From the complete offering of his (i.e. virat’s) yagna (sacrifice of creation) was obtained ghee mixed with coagulated milk, which (i.e. the ghee and milk) are (the created) animals, both of air (birds) and of forests (wild animals) and villages (domestic animals).

  4. 9

    तस्माद्यज्ञात्सर्वहुत ऋचः सामानि जज्ञिरे । छन्दांसि जज्ञिरे तस्माद्यजुस्तस्मादजायत ॥९॥

    From the complete offering of his (i.e. virat’s) yagna (sacrifice of creation) was born the rig veda and sama veda, the chandas (vedic meters) were born from him, and the yajur veda was born from him.

  5. 10

    तस्मादश्वा अजायन्त ये के चोभयादतः । गावोः ह जज्ञिरे तस्मात् तस्माज्जाता अजावयः ॥१०॥

    From him (i.e. virat) was born the horses, and all those animals who has teeth in both jaws, from him (i.e. virat) was born the cows, and from him was born all types of goats.