1. 11

    यत्पुरुषं व्यदधुः कतिधा व्यकल्पयन् । मुखं किमस्य कौ बाहू का ऊरू पादा उच्येते ॥११॥

    What did the purusha (i.e. virat) hold within him? How many parts were assigned in his huge form? What was his mouth? What was his arms? What was his thighs? And what was his feet?

  2. 12

    ब्राह्मणोऽस्य मुखमासीद् बाहू राजन्यः कृतः । ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत ॥१२॥

    The Brahmanas were his mouth, the kshatriyas became his arms, the vaishyas were his thighs, and the shudras were assigned to his feet.

  3. 13

    चन्द्रमा मनसो जातश्चक्षोः सूर्यो अजायत । मुखादिन्द्रश्चाग्निश्च प्राणाद्वायुरजायत ॥१३॥

    The moon was born from his mind and the sun was born from his eyes, Indra and agni (fire) were born from his mouth, and vayu (wind) was born from his breath.

  4. 14

    नाभ्या आसीदन्तरिक्षं शीर्ष्णो द्यौः समवर्तत । पद्भ्यां भूमिर्दिशः श्रोत्रात्तथा लोकाँ अकल्पयन् ॥१४॥

    His navel became the antariksha (the intermediate space between heaven and earth), his head sustained the heaven, from his feet the earth (was sustained), and from his ears the directions (were sustained); in this manner all the worlds were regulated by him.

  5. 15

    सप्तास्यासन् परिधयस्त्रिः सप्त समिधः कृताः । देवा यद्यज्ञं तन्वाना अबध्नन्पुरुषं पशुम् ॥१५॥

    By making seven enclosures with three times seven sacrificial firewood, the deva (the shining one referring to virat) in that yagna (sacrifice of creation), bound the infinite expanse of the purusha as (apparently) finite living beings (pashu).