1. Disclaimer

    The Services provided by SivaShakti FutureTech Private Limited are made available on “as is” without warranty or representation of any kind, including (without limitation) warranties, terms or conditions as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or compliance with any description or generally as to the quality of our Services, Data, third party content or any information obtained using our Services. We do not represent or imply that we endorse or take responsibility of any Data posted or about its accuracy and correctness of any Data posted, and are not responsible for, controlling how or when our Services are used. We do not assume any liability for monitoring the Services for content that is offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing harmful content, viruses, technical inaccuracies, omissions or typographical errors. We are not responsible for actions or information of our Customer(s) and third parties and are not obligated to control such actions. Our Services may provide links that permit you to access or interact with third party sites. SivaShakti FutureTech Private Limited has no control over the accuracy of such information, and Data on our Site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, and we make no guarantees, nor can we be responsible for any such information, including its authenticity, accuracy, quality, copyright compliance or legality, or any resulting loss or damage. Customer understand and agree that we are not liable for any kind of damages, losses or action arising directly or indirectly, due to access and/or use of the Data. The documents uploaded on SivaShakti FutureTech Private Limited can be plurilingual, however the version as presented in language of English shall be considered as the most authentic and reliable translation.

  2. Limitation of Liability

    In no event shall SivaShakti FutureTech Private Limited, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, employees, and licensors be held liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages, lost profits, lost data, goodwill use or other intangible losses, relating to, arising out of or in any way in connection with our Terms and Services or any Data posted on our Site by the Customer. The maximum liability of SivaShakti FutureTech Private Limited shall not be more than the amount paid by the Customer during the last 12 months period prior to the date of the claim arose.