1. 6

    श्वपाको जल्पाको भवति मधुपाकोपमगिरा निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः । तवापर्णे कर्णे विशति मनुवर्णे फलमिदं जनः को जानीते जननि जपनीयं जपविधौ ॥६॥

    (O Mother) a swapaka (a dog-eater or chandala) (from whose mouth nothing much comes out in terms of good speech) becomes jalpaka (talkative) with speech like a madhupaka (from whose mouth good speech comes out like honey) (by your grace), a ranka (poor and miserable) becomes niratanka (free from fear) forever, and moves about having obtained million gold (by your grace), O Aparna (another name of DevI Parvati), when your prayer (and glory) enter one’s ear (and sits in the heart), such is the result, (then) who among men can know, O Mother, the destiny which your holy japa can unfold?