1. 12

    देहं प्राणमपीन्द्रियाण्यपि चलां बुद्धिं च शून्यं विदुः स्त्रीबालान्धजडोपमास्त्वहमिति भ्रान्ता भृशं वादिनः । मायाशक्ति विलास कल्पितमहा व्यामोहसंहारिणे तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥ ५॥

    He who removes all the terrible misconceptions, created by the deluding play of maya- in those, who, intellectually innocent as a woman-child-blind-idiot and consider the reality as their body or their prana or their senses or their ever-changing intellect or as mere void and through error (mis-conceptions)- declare them to be the only reality... to Him, the divine teacher, Sri Dakshinamurthy, is this prostration.