1. 1

    षडाधारपङ्केरुहान्तर्विराजत् सुषुम्नान्तरालेऽतितेजोल्लसन्तीम् । सुधामण्डलं द्रावयन्तीं पिबन्तीं सुधामूर्तिमीडेऽचिदानन्दरूपाम् ॥ १॥

    ṣaḍādhārapaṅkeruhāntarvirājat suṣumnāntarāle'titejollasantīm | sudhāmaṇḍalaṃ drāvayantīṃ pibantīṃ sudhāmūrtimīḍe'cidānandarūpām || 1||

    I bow to that embodiment of ambrosia which is Consciousness and Bliss incarnate. It melts the orb of the moon and drinks(the moon-light). It shines with its profuse lustre inside the Sushumná located in the lotus of shadádhaára. Sushumná : a vein of the body supposed to be one of the passages for the breathe. Shadádhára: one of the mystical circles in the body. ।। 1 ।।

  2. 2

    ज्वलत्कोटिबालार्कभासारुणाङ्गीं सुलावण्यश्टङ्गारशोभाभिरामाम् । महापद्मकिञ्जल्कमध्ये विराजत् त्रिकोणे निषण्णां ं भजे श्रीभवानीम् ॥ २॥

    jvalatkoṭibālārkabhāsāruṇāṅgīṃ sulāvaṇyaśṭaṅgāraśobhābhirāmām | mahāpadmakiñjalkamadhye virājat trikoṇe niṣaṇṇāṃ ṃ bhaje śrībhavānīm || 2||

    I worship that Goddess Bhavánė who is seated on the triangle which shines in the midst of the filaments of the white lotus. She is extremely beautiful with lovely and charming grace. She has a shining red body similar to that of innumerable rising suns. ।। 2 ।।

  3. 3

    क्वणत्किङ्किणीनूपुरोद्भासिरत्न प्रभालीढलाक्षार्द्रपादाब्जयुग्मम् । अजेशाच्युताद्यैः सुरैः सेव्यमानं महादेवि मन्मूर्ध्नि ते भावयामि ॥ ३॥

    kvaṇatkiṅkiṇīnūpurodbhāsiratna prabhālīḍhalākṣārdrapādābjayugmam | ajeśācyutādyaiḥ suraiḥ sevyamānaṃ mahādevi manmūrdhni te bhāvayāmi || 3||

    Oh! Great Goddess! I contemplate your lotus feet on my head as being served by the celestials such as Brahma, Achyuta (Vishnu) and others. These feet are wet due to red dye and dazzling with the gems of the anklets jingling with bells. ।। 3 ।।

  4. 4

    सुषोणाम्बराबद्धनीवीविराजन् महारत्नकाञ्चीकलापं नितम्बम् । स्फुरद्दक्षिणावर्तनाभिं च तिस्रो वली रम्यते रोमराजि भजेऽहम् ॥ ४॥

    suṣoṇāmbarābaddhanīvīvirājan mahāratnakāñcīkalāpaṃ nitambam | sphuraddakṣiṇāvartanābhiṃ ca tisro valī ramyate romarāji bhaje'ham || 4||

    Oh! Mother! I worship your streak of hair on the three folds on the belly, as also the shining naval circling to the right. (I also worship your) hip having the red garment tied around the waist, adorned by the girdle studded with gems and tinkling. ।। 4 ।।

  5. 5

    लसद्वृत्तमुत्तुङ्गमाणिक्यकुम्भो- पमश्रीस्तनद्वन्द्वमम्बांबुजाक्षीम् । भजे दुग्ध पूर्णाभिरामं तवेदं महाहारदीप्तं सदा प्रस्तुतास्यम् ॥ ५॥

    lasadvṛttamuttuṅgamāṇikyakumbho- pamaśrīstanadvandvamambāṃbujākṣīm | bhaje dugdha pūrṇābhirāmaṃ tavedaṃ mahāhāradīptaṃ sadā prastutāsyam || 5||

    Oh! Lotus-eyed Mother! I worship your two radiant breasts, round in shape comparable to lofty gem-studded pitchers. They are beautiful and are full with milk. Shining with a breast-lace and oozing at the top, they are beautiful and are full of milk. ।। 5 ।।