1. 2

    नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हेमाम्बराडम्बरी मुक्ताहारविलम्बमान विलसत् वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी । काश्मीरागरुवासिता रुचिकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ २॥

    Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of compassion, one who is adorned with ornaments made up of different kinds of gems, wearer of golden-laced dress, the space, in between whose breasts shines with the pendant garland of pearls, the beautiful-bodied, rendered and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms. ।। 2 ।।