1. 6

    समस्तामरेशम् द्विरेफाभ केशं जगद्विम्बलेशम् हृदाकाशदेशम्। सदा दिव्यदेहं विमुक्ताखिलेहम् सुवैकुन्ठगेहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ।। ६ ।।

    I worship him, who is the lord of all devas and has a pretty hair frequented by bees. This earth is the part of him and has a body as clear as the sky. Shri Hari has a holy mien and has no attachments to this world. His home is named as Vaikunta. ।। 6 ।।

  2. 7

    सुरालीबलिष्ठं त्रिलोकीवरिष्ठं गुरूणां गरिष्ठं स्वरूपैकनिष्ठम् । सदा युद्धधीरं महावीरवीरम् महाम्भोधितीरम् भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ।। ७ ।।

    I worship him, who is the strongest among devas and greatest among the three worlds. Prabhu Hari is the heaviest among heavy people and always heroic in battles. The one who is the great hero of heroes and takes you across the sea of life. ।। 7 ।।

  3. 8

    रमावामभागम् तलानग्ननागम् कृताधीनयागम् गतारागरागम्। मुनीन्द्रैः सुगीतं सुरैः संपरीतं गुणौगैरतीतं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ।। ८ ।।

    I worship him, who keeps Lakshmi on his left side and can be approached by Yagas. Shri Krishna is not interested in anything and also carried the Govardhan Mountain. He is pure music to great sages and always served by Devas, who is above all beings. ।। 8 ।।

  4. 9

    इदम् यस्तु नित्यं समाधाय चित्तम् पठेदष्टकम् कंठहारं मुरारेः । स विष्णोर्विशोकं ध्रुवम् याति लोकम् जराजन्म शोकं पुनर्विदन्ते नो ।। ९ ।।

    Shri Krishna who reads with peace. The octet of Hari, which is the destroyer of sorrow. He would definitely reach the world of Vishnu which is always without sorrow. He would never undergo sorrow ever. ।। 9 ।।