- 7
अ॒हं सु॑वे पि॒तर॑मस्य मू॒र्धन् मम॒ योनि॑र॒प्स्व (अ॒) १॒॑न्तः स॑मु॒द्रे । ततो॒ विति॑ष्ठे॒ भुव॒नानु॒ विश्वो॒ तामूं द्यां व॒र्ष्मणोप॑स्पृशामि ॥ ७॥
I generate the father on the summit of this (sky). My source is in the waters, in the inner ocean. Thence, I spread among all living creatures, alongside the all-pervading, and with the vertex I touch that sky.