1. 16

    सुरासुरशिरोरत्ननिघृष्टचरणेऽम्बिके । रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥ १६॥

    Salutations to devi Ambika, to whose feet the devas rub (i.e. touch) their heads adorned with jewels out of devotion, and to whose feet the heads of the mighty asuras adorned with jewels get subdued. O devi, please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my (inner) enemies. ।। 16 ।।

  2. 17

    विद्यावन्तं यशस्वन्तं लक्ष्मीवन्तञ्च मां कुरु । रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥ १७॥

    O devi, please make me full with knowledge, please make me full with glory and please make me full with the attributes of Lakshmi (beauty and prosperity). O devi, please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my (inner) enemies. ।। 17 ।।

  3. 18

    देवि प्रचण्डदोर्दण्डदैत्यदर्पनिषूदिनि । रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥ १८॥

    Salutations to devi Durga, who destroys the mighty pride of the excessively violent and powerful demons. O devi, please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my (inner) enemies. ।। 18 ।।

  4. 19

    प्रचण्डदैत्यदर्पघ्ने चण्डिके प्रणताय मे । रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥ १९॥

    My Salutations to devi Chandika, who is the destroyer of the terrible demons with mighty pride. O devi, please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my (inner) enemies. ।। 19 ।।

  5. 20

    चतुर्भुजे चतुर्वक्रसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि । रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥ २०॥

    Salutations to the supreme goddess Durga, who is praised by lord Brahma with all his four faces and all his four hands. O devi, please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my (inner) enemies. ।। 20 ।।