1. 7

    आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी काश्मीरा त्रिजलेश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्करा शर्वरी । कामाकाङ्गकरी जनोदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ७॥

    Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support of compassion, the maker of the letters 'a' (,) to 'ksha' (®), he cause of the three acts of Sambhu, namely, the creation, protection and destruction, the wearer of saffron, the consort of the destroyer of the three cities, the consort of the three-eyed lord, the governess of universe, the form of the goddess of night, the opener of the gates of heavens, and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms. ।। 7 ।।