1. 13

    सत्योवाच सप्तोक्षणोऽतिबलवीर्यसुतीक्ष्णश‍ृङ्गान् पित्रा कृतान् क्षितिपवीर्यपरीक्षणाय । तान् वीरदुर्मदहनस्तरसा निगृह्य क्रीडन् बबन्ध ह यथा शिशवोऽजतोकान् ।। १०-८३-१३ ।।

    Śrī Satyā said: My father arranged for seven extremely powerful and vigorous bulls with deadly sharp horns to test the prowess of the kings who desired my hand in marriage. Although these bulls destroyed the false pride of many heroes, Lord Kṛṣṇa subdued them effortlessly, tying them up in the same way that children playfully tie up a goat’s kids. ।। 10-83-13 ।।