1. 2

    गले रुण्डमालं तनौ सर्पजालं महाकालकालं गणेशाधिपालम् । जटाजूटगङ्गोत्तरङ्गैर्विशालं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ २ ॥

    I pray You, Siva, Sankara, Sambhu, Who has a garland of skull around the neck, Who has a net of snakes around His body, Who is the destroyer of the immense-destroyer Kala, Who is the lord of Ganesa, Whose matted-hair are spread-out by the presence of the waves of Ganga falling on His head, and Who is the Lord of everyone. ॥ 2 ॥