1. 1

    त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रियायुधम् । त्रिजन्म पापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ १ ॥

    I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva Which has three leaves (a Bilva leaf has 3 leaves as a cluster) Which represents the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas, Tamas) And represents three eyes of Shiva Which is like the triad of weapons he bears And whose very thought or uttering of names destroys one's accumulated sins.

  2. 2

    त्रिशाखैः बिल्वपत्रैश्च अच्छिद्रैः कोमलैः शुभैः । तवपूजां करिष्यामि एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ २ ॥

    I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva Which has three shoots Which are not defective in any manner Which are soft and tender Which are auspicious.

  3. 3

    कोटि कन्या महादानं तिलपर्वत कोटयः । काञ्चनं शैलदानेन एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥ ३ ॥

    Gifting of millions of daughters in marriage or Offering mountains of Sesame seeds or Donating a mountain of Gold, Such virtue can be earned by the Offering of a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

  4. 4

    काशीक्षेत्र निवासं च कालभैरव दर्शनम् । प्रयागे माधवं दृष्ट्वा एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥ ४ ॥

    If one stays at the holy city of Kasi, and then Has darsan of the Lord Kalabhairava there Visits Prayag and has darsan of Lord Madhava there And also offers worship to Lord Shiva with the Bilva leaf He is assured of the Lord's grace. I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

  5. 5

    इन्दुवारे व्रतं स्थित्वा निराहारो महेश्वराः । नक्तं हौष्यामि देवेश एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥ ५ ॥

    On Monday, I shall observe a spiritual fast and worship you I shall consume food only at night O Lord of Lords I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.